Gorgeous Day for Aqua at Helensvale Aquatic Centre!
Mon, 9 Sep 13Come and join us every Monday at 10.00am and every Thursday at 12.30pm for the Gold Coast City Council Active & Healthy Aqua Aerobics at Helensvale Aquatic Centre. It only costs $3.00 (inc pool entry).
Helensvale Pool - Re-painted & Re-opened for Aqua!
Wed, 12 Jun 13Our lovely Aqua Instructor Dee (in the photo), taking the 9am - 10am Aqua Aerobics class at the newly painted Helensvale Pool on Tuesday morning.
Ever Wondered Why You Should Try Deep Water Running?
Wed, 12 Jun 13Click on the link below to get the low down on the health benefits of Deep Water Running: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/body+fitness/news+features/have+a+go+at+deep+water+running,9365
No Classes on Monday 10th June 2013 (Queen's Birthday)
Sun, 9 Jun 13Hello all QWEP Aqua & Deep Water Runners. No classes on Monday 10th June 2013 for the Queen's Birthday Holiday. All back to normal on Tuesday 11th June 2013.
"I'm Swimming in the Rain"
Mon, 13 May 13Yes, we still take Aqua Aerobics and Deep Water Running in the rain. We figure that the water temperature is warmer than the outside temperature, and you're going to get wet anyway! There's nothing more exhilarating than swimming in the rain...even better is an Aqua Aerobics or Deep Water Running class. Only thunder, lightening and hail keeps us away!
Cypress Gardens Retirement Village....Aqua Since 1998!
Fri, 10 May 13Couldn't help but share the beautiful pic of Cypress Gardens indoor pool facility, a massive development in addition to their gorgeous outdoor pool (where we originally took Aqua Aerobics). Looking forward to tomorrow's class. 15 years of aqua!
No Need to Splash Out!
Tue, 7 May 13QWEP is proudly embracing its new Gold Coast location, The Golden Door Spa & Health Club, 73 Seaworld Drive,Main Beach QLD. When our previous location at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre closed in February for Commonwealth Games renovations, we feared we would have no where in the Southport/Main Beach CBD to go. This isn't the case! See the Gold Coast Bulletin Article: Check out: http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2013/04/10/450064_gold-coast-news.html "Swimmers Lap Up Luxury During Revamp"
QWEP Christams Party 2010:
Wed, 1 Dec 10Come and celebrate Christmas with QWEP and all of its class participants. We have chosen La Piazza at Paradise Point as our venue this year. Date: Friday 17th December 2010 Time: 6.00pm (Pre Dinner Drinks), 6.30pm Dinner Sitting Menu: 3 Course with a glass of house red/white or soft drink Entree: Homemade Garlic Bread (Baked on Premises) Main: Roast Christmas Ham and Turkey Served with Cranberry and Mushroom Sauce Accompanied by Roast Potato and Seasonal Vegetables. Dessert: Christmas Pudding with Brandy Custard and Fresh Cream or Creme Brulee Drinks: A complimentary glass of Rothbury Estate Cabernet Merlot or Chardonnay or Champagne. Soft Drinks are also available. Extra Drinks at Bar Prices. Musical Entertainment on the Night. Open until Midnight.